Readers Comments
Jacinda wrote: Wonderful story wayfarer! Yes i agree it's another awesome story by you :) thanks so much for sharing! I hope you have a wonderful friday :) love & smiles, jacinda :)
warmth wrote: Very nice
elspeth wrote: Sounds like this checker offered common courtesy and old-fashioned customer service - when i run across someone who makes this kind of effort to be friendly and helpful, i try to get in their line, too. A genuine smile from the person waiting on you, or a comment meant just for you like "stay warm" or "enjoy that movie" means much more than the insincere "thankyouandhaveawonderfulday" that some checkers/servers/etc use on everyone.
elspeth wrote: Apropos, several years ago i did telephone questionaires with car salesmen about a certain make of car. I was required to give my first name when i started the survey and i noted that, at the end of the (of course) unnecessarily long and tedious survey, the salesman always called me by name when saying goodbye. Now, anyone who has ever had to do any kind of phone work knows that almost no one wants to take a survey (these guys were apparently required to do so, since i was sometimes put off till later, but never turned down) and it seems everyone thinks that surveyers or telemarketers are harrassing them personally - so, it was certainly nice to have someone thank me, by name, for taking up their time with a most irritating survey. Anyway, long after that job ended, i started making a point of jotting down the name of the customer service person i might be telephoning - the bank, the phone or cable company, etc - and being sure to use that person's name when saying goodbye - if i forget, i will ask them who i am talking to, and then i thank that person by name - "well, kathy, i appreciate your helping me with that" or "if i need to call back, can i ask for you, john? " i almost never can get the same person again, but i hope it makes them feel appreciated. I know how rude and abusive people can be over the phone, when they feel protected by not being visible. And i think a little thing like having your name remembered makes one feel better.
kiteflier wrote: It's so difficult to find a friendly and caring service staff now. Thanks for sharing and hopefully there will be more of such people out there! (:
Tina wrote: I admit that i have favorite cashiers at certain stores, too. I can always count on a pleasant greeting and great service.
Denise wrote: As a person with special needs i do go to those casheers who are patient with me or aren't afraid of my husband's guide dog. I appreciate their kindness.