Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Walk With Your Neighbours

--by DANCE, posted Oct 18, 2019
One of my neighbours came back after her summer in her home country, she brought me lemons from her garden and sweets. I was really surprised!
She made me so happy, hadn't seen her in over 3 months and here hardly anyone really life...I invited her for a walk, checked the weather forecast and it showed rain until Saturday but this morning...oh such beautiful sunshine!
So I called her and off we went ... out together and I treated her to a coffee at the garden centre. She's probably almost double my age :-) but so full of energy! SO lovely to share, talked lots, I feel grateful and today...not so lonely. A very KIND day :-)
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Readers Comments

gardengal10 wrote: what a lovely outing!
Mish wrote: These kind of connections are blessings.
Horse-friend wrote: So nice, thank you for sharing this. It is the small everyday connections that nourish us.
pluto178 wrote: Wonderful neighbours of all ages are a blessing x
mindyjourney wrote: Just what you needed, my friend, to lighten that alone feeling 😊. So glad! :)))))
Rajni wrote: God is always with us. Having faith in Him will never let us feel loneliness.

You lived by the famous Bible saying " Love Thy Neighbor"

Talking is like bringing sunshine in others at the same time it comes to us as well.

Your love for neighbor is seen in talks and treating her with coffee
You did a wonderful job.

Thanks for sharing this inspiring post with us.
Christine88 wrote: What a beautiful story

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