Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Giving And Receiving Kindness On The Same Day

--by liz-robinette, posted Jan 9, 2010

Several years ago while living in Pittsburgh, PA my husband and I decided to buy a new couch.  We put the old one in the truck to take to the GoodWill.

On the way, we came upon a woman with a flat tire.  She had just come upon part of the bridge system so her vehicle was against a high wall just a few feet away from rushing traffic.

We stopped.  She and I stood so traffic would not hit my husband as he changed the tire.  She offered us some money as he put her flat back into her vehicle.  We told her to give it to the Salvation Army and went on our way.

We took the couch to the donation site, drove up to purchase our new couch and were attempting to move the (much heavier) couch into the house.  An off-duty volunteer fireman saw us struggling in the house with it and helped us.

None of us knew each other that day but I'm sure we made each others' day!

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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: No doubts the spirit of kindness was in the air. Love and Light and a Million Smiles, Bluebell
Rainplace wrote: It's wonderful when we can see the circle of giving.
lmil1954 wrote: Full circle! What a lovely story!
JuneBug wrote: People helping people !!!! AWESOME! :D wrote: What a nice thing to do, im sure everyone appreciates a good deed like this one :)
Aurelia wrote: This story makes me SMILE :0)
1 by 1 we are doing it! Kind acts, no matter how small will make an impact on both parties involved. Thanks for sharing!

~Smiles are Contagious
:0) ~Aurelia

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