Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Engaging A Conversation While Dining

--by Mish, posted Dec 4, 2019
We made a new friend today. An elder gent sitting right next to us in a restaurant we were dining in. 

He was alone and we struck up a conversation that was so enjoyable and lasted all through our leisurely meal. He is a young 86 year old with a twinkle in his eye. He invited us to visit him at his beach house next summer.

He told us where his house was, said we should ring his bell and stop in for a drink if we find ourselves there. We shared stories and he lit up when, as we were leaving, I asked if I could give him a peace dove. 🕊

All told, shared 6 doves today during our outing. Folks really seem touched by someone giving them a symbol of peace. ❤️🕊❤️

I also thought my 86 years old new friend would be a good match for my 82 year old good friend. He actually seemed interested. I have a pretty good matchmaker record: 2 couples I introduced a long time ago wound up getting happily married. 👰🏻 💕 🤵🏻  
882 Reads

Readers Comments

dotmatrix wrote: I loved this story Mish. Thank you. ♥.
mindyjourney wrote: A divine dove connect 🕊. 💕
smilinghearts wrote: What’s a stranger? 💕
Mish wrote: A “stranger” is a friend we haven’t met yet :))
gardengal10 wrote: "Matchmaker, matchmaker, make them a match......."
DANCE wrote: Lovely connections here :-)
1sher wrote: Nicely done mish!
soweludancer wrote: I just recently read the book "talking to strangers" by malcolm gladwell - a rather cautionary perspective. Gladwell would have done well to talk to you!
LoveyDovey wrote: Sweet, heartwarming story! Let us know if your matchmaking talents have paid off third time! : ) perhaps, this is your next "calling". Matchmaking by mish or mish's matches, just saying!

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