Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Simple Offering

--by miatagano, posted Dec 2, 2019
Tonight, I was walking home from work. It was dark. I passed a man sitting on a bench built into a wall of a building. I saw his feet first. We looked at each other as I passed. I half smiled and he just stared at me, sad like. It seemed he might be staying there the night. He was wearing a thin sweater and had a backpack.

As I walked away, I felt the cold air on my skin and thought," I wish I had a blanket to offer him." My car was just down the block. I still have a bag from my grandmother's room. I haven't gone through it since she died. Haven't had the heart. I thought maybe there is an extra blanket amongst her things. There was one, I thought.

I looked in the bag and the back of my car but there was no blanket. There was my favorite winter hat though. I've had it for years. Made in Peru. It would keep his head warm at least, I thought. I went back to the man and stood quietly just a little away until he looked up.

I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't want to assume he needed a hat or warmth even. Maybe he wasn't going to stay there for the night. Maybe he was just sad and wanted space to be alone. What if I offended him? I hate assumptions.

We both stared at each other for a moment and then I stepped forward and said simply, "would you like a hat?" He looked at me then at the hat then at me again. I waited for him to tell me to go away or something similar. Instead his face softened and he said, "Yes, I would, thank you." "It's a nice hat", I said. "Yea it is", he said. "Okay, goodbye then" I said with a little wave as he nodded kindly and half smiled.

I am glad I had the hat to offer. I think I will start keeping blankets in the car. It's getting colder out there and more and more people are living on the streets. As Mother Teresa said, “Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.” 
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Readers Comments

smilinghearts wrote: Nice quote and generous act! I have only had one person react negatively and...geez...too many to count react positively❣️
Mish wrote: Yours is such a tender heart, Mia. Bless you, beautiful soul. 🙏
DANCE wrote: Thank you for offering it to him
Novice50 wrote: I love this story, thank you for sharing. I especially love the way you reflected on how to help, then took action, going away something you loved and valued. I know that you were transformed in this interaction and will continue to spread kindness through the world.
kalaa wrote: What a wonderful thing to do; thanks for the inspiring quotation from mother teresa. Will try to live by it.
Rio wrote: I love this. Not only the gesture of giving away something you loved, but how you thought carefully about the best way to do so. How we do something (with respect and tenderness and human connection) can matter as much as what we do. We are all happier for being on the receiving end of that kind of respect!
Rajni wrote: You did two wonderful jobs. The first is the giving up the warm hat. The second one is; you listened to your inner voice, honoring god. Your resolve to keep blankets in the car for future kind acts is greatly appreciated. Thanks for this inspiring post.
1sher wrote: Warm hat warmer heart

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