Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Gift of a Thank You

--by Unix83, posted Jan 20, 2010

Not long ago, I was out at the mall, buying a gift for one of my younger friends. I stopoped by Claire's to find something for her. As I was glancing at items, I noticed a little girl around 8 or 9 yrs of age walk in, we were both looking at these cute little mini lip gloss boxes that had a picture in the front: one had penguins, dogs, cats, lots of cute pictures. She started thinking out loud, saying: "They're so cute!" I told her pointing at a box, "Did you see this one? It's super cute, too!" She was just delighted!

She said to herself in a soft voice, "I wish I had money to get one." I heard her and I couldn't just leave the store, so I asked her, "Which one did you like the most?" She pointed to the pink box with puppies on the cover. I said, "Ok, I'm going to get it for you." She couldn't believe it! I paid for the items and handed her the box. She looked at me with a huge smile and said, " Thank you, no one has ever done that for me."

With her sincere thank you and her sweet smile, she gave me more than I can offer anyone! :)

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Readers Comments

Kaviraj wrote: What a marvelous act of kindness? The spontaneous generosity shown by you is worth following.

Normally, who does for the others? When you handed over the box to the little girl she was taken aback.

A little expenditure filled the girl with happiness. The joy she got can only be experienced.

Only elevated souls can make others happy.

Have a nice day.

Jagdish kaviraj
Tony wrote: That was a great thing to do. We all need to say thank you to show appreciation to someone
justin wrote: Who are you people and why don't you have jobs?
justin wrote: Cute puppy picture :)
webfairy wrote: What a wonderful and sweet gesture. Such "seemingly" small things can be huge in a person's life. Bravo for you!
myfbil wrote: How kind of you. I'll bet you received the most joy from this experience, while teaching a little girl a lifelong lesson of how a random act of kindness can such a difference. I wouldn't be surprised if she keeps that box until she's old and gray! Bless you!

Have a sunshine day!
rubie wrote: That is really sweet && as 0thers ab0ve, when she is 0lder there is a p0ssibility that she will d0 the same (:
Nice j0b! (:
AndaLii wrote: Thanks for the story; it's heart-wrenching to think that the child had never been assisted (loved) like that before. It goes to show that a simple gift may really amount to more! Blessings to you.
keshava wrote: Wonderful act of kindness, your act is role model thankyou for your kind act
Ron wrote: When generosity is so spontaneous, it makes the giver walk on air! Keep it up!

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