Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The one who fixed my car

--by MarilArtist, posted Dec 6, 2019
I had driven over a curb and the under shield of my car was loose, dragging on the ground and making a terrible noise.

I drove into the nearest gas station which was only a convenience store, and asked the woman if there was anybody there who could look under my car and see what was going on. She said no.
But the man waiting in line behind me said that he would check it out. Not only did he check it out but he taped it up for me so I could get to an auto body shop.

I told him I’d heard people from Boise were very kind and yes it was true. Then he told me he was from Phoenix. Kind people wherever you go.

575 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Bless these Helpers 👍
DANCE wrote: Glad you found kind help
LoveyDovey wrote: So nice. Angels everywhere!

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