Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Coffee & Kindness - Fill Your Cup With Both

--by Kayz2000, posted Dec 11, 2019
Today I did something I have always wanted to do! I asked the guy at Starbucks how much the person's order was behind me and paid for it and told him to tell whoever it was to have a nice day.

Maybe this is weird, but on some level I hope they just took the gifted drink instead of paying for the person behind them. Learn to accept kindness (and free coffee) when it comes your way!!  Although, there's nothing wrong with paying it forward, I suppose. 
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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Being a good receiver of kindness is an awesome thing to do!
mindyjourney wrote: Oh, I do so enjoy a cup of coffee!!! Esp when served with such kindness :). Thank you for doing!
horse-friend wrote: I am with you in trying to take kind acts on first, without giving in to the ‚I am not worthy, I need to give in return or in forward payment, now!‘-attitude. The opportunity will arise and I will be ready to answer then...
Mish wrote: Spot on, Kay. Well done! 👍
scully wrote: Great job, keep it up
scully wrote: free coffee always tastes better!
dotmatrix wrote: Nice! ♥.
kjoyw wrote: 👍
LoveyDovey wrote: Gifting a cup of coffee is a lovely gesture. I enjoy my cup in the morning and liken it to a hug on the inside!

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