Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Book!

--by kindbroker, posted Dec 16, 2019
I serve in Bridgeport Public Schools to help students who often have challenges in learning and communicating. They also feel uncomfortable in being a part of the school community.

These same students have found strategic acts of kindness to be life savers for them! I gathered them together to create a Kindness Learning Community called BCS Squad.

The squad set a goal to write and illustrate a book for Kindergarten through second grade on how to be kind. They met their goal in completing the book and they have proudly read it to over eight classes. They also issued a kindness challenge so that the kids could do kindness acts. Kindness is contagious!
920 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: What a wonderful way to inspire kindness in students! Thank you :)))))
Mish wrote: One word......AWESOME! 👏🏻
dotmatrix wrote: This is such a cool idea. Kudos! ♥.
DANCE wrote: wonderful!!! Thank u
LoveyDovey wrote: Omigosh…. This is just amazing! A wonderful way to instill kindness and sharing in a generation. Beautiful. Thank you!
Rajni wrote: You did a wonderful job of inspiring students to do kind acts, the seed of kindness you planted will help students in their life to be a good and kind citizen. Thanks for sharing.

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