Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Peace Journey In India From Kanpur To Varanasi

--by kmbhai, posted Dec 10, 2019
We organized a journey for Peace from Kanpur to Varanasi to spread the message of Peace and Love. It started with a meeting at the mini library in Kanpur, where we discussed the details of the journey and the program to follow.

The boys sang a couple of Peace songs. We then started our journey. During the journey, we stopped at several places to talk about peace, friendship, kindness and love. We also distributed peace cards, peace doves, quote cards and peace pamphlets.

It was nice to meet people with different thoughts and behavior. Many people appreciated our work and promised to forward our message to other people. We were also refused by some people. Overall, it was a joyful experience that we will remember for the rest of our life. I am thankful to all the volunteers and people who supported us.

Hope that one day peace will Prevail on the Earth !!
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Awesome group spreading Peace ☮️ Bless you all. 🕊
leoladyc728 wrote: awesome
DotMatrix wrote: This is so great. Congrats and hugs! ♥.
patjos wrote: May peace prevail on Earth my friend :)
mindyjourney wrote: Grateful for your Peace journey and the kindness shared, my friend ❤️ 🕊 🌎. Continued blessings and much love to you and all who participated and all you connected with on the journey.
Christine88 wrote: That is so beautiful
soweludancer wrote: I think my time in varanasi was the most special of all the places i've been in the world. I can't think of a better place to journey to with your message of peace and kindness. So symbolic. Blessings on all of you.
aarthykarty wrote: This is so apt at this juncture. May these journeys spread across the world for peace and hope
LoveyDovey wrote: So marvelous. Love this! Hugs to you!

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