Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by Mish, posted Nov 27, 2019
We are invited to a neighbors’ annual dinner where they share their cultural dishes & invite in any new neighbors who have moved onto our block. We are honored that they choose to invite us every year, so far. It’s a great way to meet newcomers as well as renewing bonds.

And, how timely an email showed up in my inbox this morning (excerpt shared below)! The Universe can so make me smile sometimes 😊

“Friendsgiving: because friends are the new family”

How Friendsgiving season eclipsed Turkey Day.

“This weekend, parties like (this) will be happening countrywide. Over the past half-decade or so, the week before Thanksgiving has been widely understood as a glorious reprieve before the obligations of actual Thanksgiving, which can range from multi-hour cross-country flights to having to explain who Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezis to your great-uncle. In contrast, Friendsgiving season is a time to just hang out with your usual crew and eat slightly more calories’ worth of autumnal food than normal.

While the concept of celebrating Thanksgiving with friends isn’t exactly new, “Friendsgiving” is. A Merriam-Webster investigation notes that the first usage of the term in print or online was in 2007, in posts on both Usenet and Twitter — and no, it wasn’t because of Friends (even though that would have made a lot of sense.”
843 Reads

Readers Comments

petroskryf wrote: This is so lovely! I love the word as well. Thank you for sharing, dear Mish.
pluto178 wrote: A lovely idea.......x
DANCE wrote: Lovely
scully wrote: Super cool
mindyjourney wrote: We’ve been to your neighbors for dinner and have many fond memories!!! Such hospitable people 😊

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