Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Christmas Card Collective

--by greenurlifenow, posted Dec 9, 2019
A few years ago, a local woman decided to start collecting Christmas cards with messages of love and encouragement inside them to be distributed to people at local shelters at Christmas time.  She called this project the Christmas Card Collective.

This year, she is trying to collect 10,000 signed cards from the community, to be given out to people at shelters locally and in other cities in Canada and USA.

I am writing some cards up tonight to be mailed to her this week, in time for this holiday season.

Hoping to bring some joy to a stranger who truly needs some kindness and inspiration.
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Readers Comments

healingtree wrote: This is an inspired action. I do something of the same thing, except not on such a massive scale. Very admirable.
DANCE wrote: Thank you for doing it
AndiCas wrote: What a lovely thing to do.
mindyjourney wrote: A nice way to show folks they are wished a happy holiday :). Thank you for contributing as well!
DotMatrix wrote: Really lovely idea. My son may receive one of these, somewhere in the world. I will look up this idea. ♥.
DotMatrix wrote: PS: Here's the link:

Novice50 wrote: Great idea - and an amazing way to "upgrade" a tradition into a purposeful act of kindness. Love it!
greenurlifenow wrote: Christmas Card Collective story on Global BC news.
Mish wrote: Beautiful 🙏
smilinghearts wrote: Nice. I give warm clothes and hand or foot warmers with a card. It’s bitterly cold here. Paramedics and cops patrol areas where people sleep to make such that they are not in danger of physical injury. Shelter beds are unfortunately inadequate. Saw sleeping bags on sale at Big 5 sporting goods. Need to get in on this ASAP. x

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