Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Cancer Victim Gives Lessons in Kindness

--by shanky, posted Jan 21, 2010

Life is too short and despite all the different problems people face, they can find happiness in the virtue of kindness. I would like to share an experience related to this. 

One of my close friends was suffering from cancer and was admitted to a hospital in town. It was shocking that he was affected by the killer disease. He was dejected initially, then his attitude was awesome.  He shows kindness to everyone around him. He never gets irritable. He was the one who inspired me to show kindness to all. 

At the ward in the hospital it was a pitiful sight  to see the children and adults suffering from cancer and undergoing treatment. I was dumbstruck at the bond they shared. They were very kind to each other.  

At this sight  my mind was jumping around to understand. Is this Love? Is this called Care?  Finally I could hear a voice from the bottom of my heart which was so true and serene. It told me this was "kindness."   Everyone  is benefited by this "magic" word. Thus, the value of kindness has no bounds.

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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Yes, you may gift some from yours, I can gift some from mine ... let's have fun !
twinkle wrote: That is a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing it.
Shankar wrote: Thank you twinkle!
Jacinda wrote: Thank you shankar so much for sharing that really beautiful story! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Love & smiles, jacinda :)
penguingirl wrote: Yes, life is too short. What a great story, thanks so much for sharing.
Ron wrote: Very touching, thank you for sharing. We can learn powerful lessons from those humbled by a serious illness yet wise enough to find meaning in it.
shanky wrote: Thanks jacinda, am ald having a wonderful weekend studying. He he hv a presentation on monday. Hope you have a gr8 weekend! Shankar.
shanky wrote: Thanks for all your comments fren. Hope you all hv a gr8 weekend!

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