Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Good Deed to Help A Young Man

--by ppajka, posted Jan 24, 2010

I was waiting in line to check out my groceries at the store.  There was a young man, maybe in his early 20s, in the line ahead of me.  When his groceries had been rung through, he seemed a bit concerned that the total was higher than he thought it would be.  Actually, as most young people probably forget, it was the dreaded sales tax that made the difference.  The total was not a large amount but it seemed maybe a little more than he had money for. 


I told the clerk to add his bill to my tab.  He was totally surprised and said that it was alright and that he would just put something back.  I insisted he take all his items and go and I would pay for them.  I told him it was my day to do a good deed and he should just find a way to "pay it forward".  He was very pleased and thanked me before he left.  I then found myself with three grocery clerks packing my groceries and saying how nice I was.  I don't feel comfortable with that but one of the clerks said she knew this was not the first time I had done it because I paid for groceries for someone in her line one day. 


I do try to do this sometimes especially if it's a young person with limited means or an elderly person that I know is watching their money.  It gives me great pleasure and luckily I can afford to do it.  I always try to imagine what that person does with the extra money they have to spend that week that wouldn't have been there otherwise.  The amount isn't that much to me but it could be the world to someone who doesn't expect it to be there. 

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Readers Comments

lilrobbie408 wrote: People have done the same for me in the grocery line at times, and I was so grateful, it really makes you feel good to know someone you don't even know personally would go out of their way to help you out at times. I think there should be more people like you in this world!!!
sethi wrote: Lots of abundance in you . Thank you .
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Good for you! I am sure your kindness is paid forward in more ways then you ever know. Keep up the great work!
Aurelia wrote: Think of how many you are inspiring~ You never know just how many are watching and Learning when we are up to Doing Good Deeds! Good for YOU...Keep it up~ :0)~Aurelia
traceykenard wrote: Loved it!
AndaLii wrote: How lovely to share your prosperity and show others that an abundance of spirit helps and heals, often impacting unknown multitudes in ways we cannot guess. Bless you!

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