Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Mother's Love

--by subh, posted Feb 22, 2020
I was walking my dog in the wee hours of the morning when I saw this heartwarming sight. A mother was rushing towards her car and loading it with her children’s schoolbags. Behind her were two children wailing at the top of their voices.

While the mother was literally running the two kids barely moved their feet. They were too busy crying and seeking for attention. The mother continued to run to her car, opened the door and put the heavy bags.

Then opening her arms wide she ran towards her children, smiled as she approached them, picked one on her left arm, the other on her right and carried them both to the car. The children’s cries now transformed to laughter and the mother continued to shower them with her love.
As I stood there watching the scene, my eyes were teary and my heart overflowing with love. Only a mother has the strength to carry two 4-year-olds at the same time, feel their pain of having to wake up that early and give them the assurance that no matter what, she is there for them. All power to the superwomen that moms are!
1570 Reads

Readers Comments

leoladyc728 wrote: so lovely
Mish wrote: Awww, very touching. My eyes filled reading your words ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: Our dear mothers, maybe their love and strength live on thru our actions as well :))
lindariebel wrote: Lovely story -- thanks for noticing.
sandra wrote: Kudos to the mother with the patience to show her love when she too must have been stressed.

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