Stories of Kindness from Around the World

This Buck Doesn't Stop

--by Ashish, posted Jan 14, 2006
About a year back, I got off the train and was waiting for my ride to come pick me up. Suddenly I felt the inspiration to write a poem. I looked around and found a pen, but no paper. There was not even a scrap of paper in site. Bummer!

So I sat there for a moment in a predicament, alone with the stunted inspiration. Then looked around a little more. It turned out that in my wallet I had a dollar bill. Looking at it a little more thoroughly, it became clear that there was very little writing surface on the dollar. But I could write something...

So I took my pen and wrote something like this:

"This is a very special dollar - given to you with love. Do not keep it. Do not spend it. Pass it on. Give it to someone else with love, and watch it spread."

I then decorated the bill with hearts, trying to fill it with as many good vibes as I possibly could.

Sitting near me was a woman who was also waiting for a ride. She seemed a bit anxious. I walked up to her and said "This is for you."

Surprised to be given a dollar, she took a second look and read it. All of a sudden her mood shifted from anxious to warm and she gave me a big hug and thanked me.

I realized that if this was the reaction from just one stranger, then this wave of warmth would probably continue on indefinitely.

My ride came, and we drove off. Somehow, though, I feel this is not the end of the story.
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Readers Comments

Ron wrote: To 'borntohelp13' i'm feeling that not only would ashih not mind if you used the idea and inspiration, i feel that ashih would be so happy that you passed on the love and inspiration that began with ashih's act of love and kindness, for in a way, through the sharing of the story, ashih really gave that dollar to all of us to pass on! :-)
Jeanne Dickman wrote: Greetings, this story is lovely and touched my heart with inspiration and creativity to share some similar random acts of kindness with love and joy in my heart. This shared story also reminded me of datti coins.
They are freely given with a gift, you can't spend them, you can't buy them, you can't earn them. You can learn more about them by going to their website.
Jacqueline wrote: Loved your story. How warm and kind. Can we continue spreading this around the world so it can get even bigger warmth of love and kindness.
Bruce wrote: This story truly makes me feel good. Thank you for sharing :)
Zizou wrote: A little ratoinaltiy lifts the quality of the debate here. Thanks for contributing!
PeterD wrote: From your inspiration, others will also be inspired. I don't need to receive that dollar cause i read this and was inspired.
moni wrote: Luvvddd ittt.

God bless u
Spoonerism wrote: That's a great idea. Shame our £1 note was scrapped in favour of the coin. But i'm sure there's a way to do this here in london! Wow, your story is from 2006, hope you still receive the e-mails. Thanks for sharing!
BornToHelp13 wrote: Wow! That was brilliant friend! I hope you dont mind me asking but can i use your idea? I think that dollar would have a nice adventure. It was so nice of you to think such a wonderful thing! I bid you a wonderful life and may think more brilliant ideas!

BornToHelp13 wrote: Wow! That was brilliant friend! I hope you dont mind me asking but can i use your idea? I think that dollar would have a nice adventure. It was so nice of you to think such a wonderful thing! I bid you a wonderful life and may you think more brilliant ideas!


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