Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Take My Blue Bath Set

--by kindness1st, posted Feb 24, 2020
I was with my friend at the store shopping the other day, helping him find a shower curtain and bath mat set. He had been a long-term caretaker for his grandmother who had just passed away and he was trying to revamp his place to feel better and try to move forward in his life.

We finally found the section containing the shower and bath sets. There were many colors to choose from. My friend had his heart set on a particular shade of blue but unfortunately, the store was out of that color. We discussed it for a bit, wondering if we should check another store.

A woman nearby heard our conversation and approached us. “Here,” she said. “There was only one blue bath set left but I don’t need it. I’ll get one of a different color,” as she tossed her blue set into our cart. We were floored! My friend told her we could go to another store and that she could keep her blue set, but she insisted that we take it and she walked off.

I have a feeling that wonderful woman sensed the phase of life my friend was in at the moment and did something small but extraordinary. 😀
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Beautiful kindness soul. Bless the woman ❤️
laughingsoul wrote: Soul touching story, thank you for sharing it, sometimes smallest things have the power to mend hearts.
mindyjourney wrote: I am reminded of the saying...”when you feel blue, paint yourself another color!” :)). A kinder world, blue or not!
Drjoybug wrote: Kindness surely surrounds us
leoladyc728 wrote: really kind woman
LHpyFace wrote: Beautiful gesture--the kindness of strangers <3

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