Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Free Brekky In Gratitude For EMT

--by mindyjourney, posted Mar 5, 2020
I overheard an ambulance EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) ask how much a certain breakfast meal was, leading me to think that maybe he was concerned about the price.

The technicians had been on shift all night and seemed pretty exhausted. The small town of Deadwood, SD had been full to capacity with a speciality show at the Mountain Grand.

Having been a passenger in an ambulance myself, and one who has been taught to say a “Hail Mary” every time I see one go by (for the patient in distress as well as the EMTs), I felt the urge to express my gratitude.

As we were leaving, I gave our waitress, Pam, (another new friend btw!) some cash, a Smile card and an origami dove to provide a free brekky treat for both of the EMTs.

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Readers Comments

Horse-friend wrote: So sweet...Blessings on your attentiveness and their heart work...💚🌈
Rajni wrote: Sister Mindy, You worked in emergency - so fast like EMT Technician for their breakfast. Thanks for sharing is Inspiring Post.
Mish wrote: I lov3 that you did this, twinnie!👍. Bless these courageous Helpers.
sumi wrote: Thank you for all you do, Mindy :-)
leoladyc728 wrote: so very kind of you

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