Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Dose Of Christmas Joy For Patients

--by Jacinda, posted Feb 4, 2010

Below is a story about my 2008 Christmas in Tauranga, New Zealand in a local Newspaper (The Bay of Plenty Times) which I would like to share with you all. It was the most amazing experience ever!! I loved seeing the smiles on peoples faces and bringing a little happiness to those in sadness, giving 60 smile cards out as I went. I learnt that it doesn't matter your age or size but you CAN make a difference :)

Still today I love going around and helping others and giving smile cards out! It's so much fun seeing other peoples happiness :)

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PICTURE: JIMMY JOE: Jacinda Short, 18, with sisters Louisa 14, Rebecca 20, and parents Tim and Debbie.

Jacinda's dose of joy for patients


by Carly Udy

 If Jacinda Short could make somebody's Christmas it would be with a sweet smelling posy and a smile.

The 18-year-old plans to deliver more than 60 of both to patients at Tauranga Hospital tomorrow , after winning an international competition through the organisation

The online site asked for ideas on how you should help others with US$100 ($181).

"My wish was to give out small posy bunches to patients in hospital on Christmas Day," she said.

"I was in no way expecting to win. There was a huge long list on the website of everyone else's ideas .

.. and I thought 'what's something different, or something nice?"

Jacinda's idea won, and she received a good deal from Grey Street Flower Company, who she will collect over 60 posy bowls from today.

"I'd love to do this to help others. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years back - with eight tumours when I was 11 - and that was around Christmas time," she said.

Together with her mum Debbie, dad Tim and sisters Rebecca, 20, and Louisa, 14, Jacinda will deliver the posy bunches in between performances at the Tauranga Sebel Trinity Wharf Hotel, where she and her sisters,'The Short Sistars' (see will sing Christmas carols at lunchtime and dinner time tomorrow.

Jacinda said the best part about her good deed at the hospital will be "seeing the smile and happiness on people's faces".

She plans to deliver the flowers to those who are terminally ill, those who look lonely or sad, and to children.

While the flowers will no doubt impress the patients, Jacinda, who was in Year 13 at Tauranga Girls' College this year, said there was a simpler goal to what she hoped to achieve:

"Money doesn't always have to be the thing which is the answer to kindness. It comes from the heart."

P.S - Thankyou so much to this organisation in the part of making this story possible! I am so thankful :)

Jacinda Short

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Readers Comments

luckyman wrote: We are deeply privileged to have you in our site. Jacinda means beautiful, right? -
Just like your post. May god lead you and have a wonderful start to your collegelife. I mean university life.
twiceblessed wrote: Jacinda, we are all so proud of you! Eighteen year olds like you give us hope in humanity.
innerjourney wrote: You are an angel Jacinda and oh yes age doesn't matter when it comes to loving kindness and only needs a heart. God bless you and your family. Sending love your way from India!

Love and Prayers, Manish:)
Aurelia wrote: Wow Jacinda...that's a great inspiration to others. I'm glad to see the photo and read your story. You are certainly filled with love and sharing it with others is the best part!

God Bless you and your family. Keep up the good work of helping others find their smiles!
~Smiles are Contagious~ :0) Aurelia
lindsgran wrote: Lovely story Jacinda and well done, god bless you and your family
unknown wrote: Brilliant Jacinda ... You are a blessed soul ... May your family and all the patients be immensely blessed than before, lovingly, deepula :)

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