Stories of Kindness from Around the World

🐀 A Mischief ❤️ ...

--by mindyjourney, posted Mar 10, 2020

A dear friend’s husband enjoys sharing in the celebration of the Chinese New Year by giving his park friends (where he exercises daily) a symbolic gift.

Since 2020 is the year of rat in the Chinese horoscope, I learned how to make an origami rat/mouse (and made about 20), so to give him an opportunity to give his friends.

Grateful for each opportunity to expand my knowledge with the focus on kindness!

A lot of rats are called a mischief, btw :)))).

549 Reads

Readers Comments

lindariebel wrote: Beautiful little artworks!
Brindlegirl wrote: Oh wow!!!!!!
smilinghearts wrote: You are a craft master and talented writer!
Mish wrote: Oh he’s gonna get into alot of “mischief” sharing these!,😁😘 🐀
dotmatrix wrote: Neato. Wow those are great Mindy. You're so creative. I'm a metal rat. ♥.
gardengal10 wrote: Not fond of rodents, but these are entirely too cute.
Brad2 wrote: For a second there I was thinking of a chess board, maybe the table cloth or my pareidolia acting up again lol.......peace.
screechingbird wrote: Super cute! Sure to bring many smiles.

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