Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Thanking My First Therapist

--by lindariebel, posted Mar 26, 2020
The story about thanking a teacher reminded me of something I did recently. My first therapist (not the one in college, total waste of time in the 1960's before they knew anything) made such a difference in my life that I often wanted to thank him.

Every couple of years I would do a Google search without success. This year I found him -- after 40 years! I emailed and also sent an article that I published in which I praised his work (not by name). We also spoke over the phone. Completing a circle!
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Readers Comments

NNY_Lynn wrote: How wonderful! I know therapists often don't know if their work has continued to help years down the road. I'm sure your therapist was so grateful to hear from you!
smilinghearts wrote: My childhood therapist made was a wonderful person!
Mish wrote: So great that you made the effort to let him know . Am sure it truly meant a lot. Well done! 👏🏻
LoveyDovey wrote: That's wonderful...happy reunions are lovely!
healingtree wrote: A very meaningful action!
Olivierchhu wrote: Fantastic! Great to take the time to step back and thank the persons who helped you in the past!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for continuing to reach out until you found hm! What a wonderful way to show your appreciation. Thank you. ❤️
DANCE wrote: so glad you reconnected!

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