Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sticking To Your Commitment

--by brindlegirl, posted Apr 1, 2020
The picture below shows my fur baby Roger, waiting outside the home of a lady I recently visited. Roger is the sixth member of our family.

Today he and I visited a lady whom I had met online (We both are Jack Russell owners and part of a group).

What I loved most about this visit was the joy it brought to her, her dog and of course my Roger.

And the thing is... I never wanted to go. I "forced" myself out of kindness and love to keep this comittment I had made. It turned out to be a blessing in return.

Being kind isn't always what we may "feel" like, but it's always what we need and it is the right thing to do.

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Readers Comments

Helenconnell2 wrote: Lovely dog and what a great way to be kind.
Helenconnell2 wrote: I forgot to say our dog who sadly died a few years ago was a jack russell crossed with a highland terrier and she was so lovely x
pluto178 wrote: You are so on track right now.....x
gardengal10 wrote: What a sweetie (you, of course, and your fur-friend)
drjoybug wrote: This made me smile. How wonderful for all of you ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: Love the photo of Roger 🐶 and yes, often the very things we are reluctant to do bring us the most happy :)
Mish wrote: Going out of our “comfort zone” often brings us wonderful blessings. Spot on 👍👍👍
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is awesome! Sometimes we have to push ourselves but it all matters. Way to go!
autumnsky38 wrote: Awww that’s great-for all of you.
Rajni wrote: In picture it looks your fur baby Roger is looking with kind and compassionate eyes. No wonder why dogs are called best friends of mankind.

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