Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Little Things

--by Jacinda, posted Feb 12, 2010

The Little Things

It really is the little things
That mean the most of all
The "let me help you with that" things
That may seem very small
The "I'll be glad to do it" things
That make your cares much lighter,
The "laugh with me, it's funny" things
That make your outlook brighter.

The "never mind the trouble" things,
The "yes, I understand,"
The interest and encouragement
In everything you've planned
It really is the little things,
The friendly word or smile,
That add such happiness to life
And make it more worth while.

-Mary Dawson Hughes

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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: Thank you for sharing this truthful and inspirational poem :)
luckyman wrote: Thanks a lot not little jacinda!

Cheer up! Jesus loves you!
helpinghand wrote: Beautiful poem.Thanks for sharing.
Keep Smiling.

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