Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness - No Age Limits!

--by oldrose, posted Apr 2, 2020
I am an 84 year old great grandmother, in good health, and still able to get out and walk 2 or 3 miles a day. I have seen a lot of good and bad in my many years, but always have tried to find the good side of everything and everyone.

I have the honor and privilege of caring for my 88 year old husband who has Alzheimer's. I am a member of a prayer shawl group at my church, knitting shawls, lap robes, hats, scarves and mittens for anyone in need, especially the homeless and those with cancer.

I firmly believe that small acts of kindness extended wherever one goes is going to be the salvation of the world. Thank you for making this web site available to everyone of like thinking. God bless all who care.
686 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Blessings, my friend, for your kind and giving heart, and your tech powers! Thank you for your many kind acts and true wisdom. So happy you found us! Welcome <3.
wavingatyou wrote: Welcome to the fun! Pleasure meeting you :)
Mish wrote: We are honored to have you here with us. I so admire the strong spirits who use the time given in kind & caring ways. Many blessings upon you & looking forward to sharing this amazing space (KindSpring) with you.
melnotes wrote: What a beautiful name "old rose" and a beautiful presence. Welcome, its a wonderful place full of wonderful kindred spirits :)
kmbhai wrote: great !!!
pluto178 wrote: Yes I like the idea of an old Rose they are always stunning and you sound as though you are too. Welcome x
brindlegirl wrote: I admire you! Look at you on Kind Spring and the internet do many of the older generation have many difficulties with this tech savvy age. You however are proving that age is no barrier to anything. Welcome honey ♥
DANCE wrote: Thank you! Blessings
Rajni wrote: Your kindness at the ripe age of 83 is greatly appreciated. You did a wonderful job to post here to inspire many to follow suit. May god bless you with many more years and opportunities of kindness and all it takes to materialize them, including good health.

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