Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Turning Kindness Into A Habit

--by lanaxox, posted Feb 20, 2010

Last winter I was going through a rough patch in my life.  I had a bunch of terrible things going on around me. I felt very distant and became quite selfish. I hated the way I was feeling and one day I woke up and told myself, “You are above this, stop feeling sorry for yourself.”  

Then, I tried out an experiment, and it has DEFINITELY changed me for the better. Every day I would do at least one act of kindness - It could be anything…

  • Bringing the trash down to the trash compactor for my 80 year old neighbor,
  • Going into the store to buy something for myself (like a bit of makeup) and coming out with something for someone else (like candy for my boyfriend)
  • Sitting down with my sister or a friend and just simply listening.

And I can tell you is that it went from self discipline, something that I actively made sure I did everyday to something much greater than that - I find that now I am sincerely all about this idea! I try to do something for everybody I can think of in a day! It really does feel great.

In the last two months, my boyfriend has been going through a very tough time and has been quite miserable. I have really tried to be present for him, intensely listening to everything he said, waiting for hints to see where I could help, whether it’s a small thing or a big thing, helping him out with a place to stay or just stocking up with plenty of movies, candy, sunflower seeds, a new calculator, a hat, or a book waiting for him,

It all comes so automatically and it feels good to make someone smile.  Even if, at first, it's not naturally in you, just do it, and I promise it will become a part of you. and it will feel FANTASTIC!

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Readers Comments

kinkin wrote: I love your story!
Yes, Change can make things better everyday!
Keep going!
and good luck!
Jacinda wrote: Wow! What an awesome story! Thanks so very much for sharing :D Hope you have a wonderful day, Jacinda
cabbage wrote: Yay! What a terrific solution to feeling sorry for oneself. Thank you for sharing your story--very inspiring! Great way to live. Love and hugs to you.
FairyBubbles wrote: Way to go - that's is really fantastic.
Loads of love.
unknown wrote: As you offer love as a gift lanaxox, it has the capacity to heal you. Love finds a way to come to you as you gift it :)
I am so happy for you :) lovingly, deepula.
JuneBug wrote: Yep, that's how I get outta my blue mood...Just do something for someone else. It WILL make you feel better !!! :)
Aurelia wrote: We all have it in us to do good. Thank you for helping us to see how we can make it happen. You are so sweet to do what you did for those people and your boyfriend.

He's a lucky man! :)I hope your kindness rubs off on him. Won't that be fun doing acts of kindness together.
iferlamb wrote: Very thoughtful. Keep up the great work! WE all have to pull ourselves out of that selfish place we find ourselves in from time to time. The key is not to get stuck. Smiles...
irishgirl wrote: This is such a cool commitment that you made here - to do it consciously for a year to where it became your nature. I think that's how most of us get there (certainly was the case for me). You have given me some new ideas to think about. Thanks and happy giving to you!
Denise DiFalco wrote: Focusing on others always takes our minds off of our own problems! This is beautiful!

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