Stories of Kindness from Around the World

🧻 Toilet Paper Kindness! 😳

--by Mish, posted Apr 5, 2020
🧻 Toilet Paper Kindness 😳

Someone anonymously sent us oodles of toilet paper!! Over the past few days, three cartons from Walmart, filled with 30 roll packages arrived at our door! At first, I thought I must have ordered it, although I had no recollect of ordering from Walmart.

When the second carton arrived, I thought, gee, did I order this much?! Well, today yet another Walmart carton, twice the size, arrived. At this point, I called Walmart, gave them the order number on the shipping label & asked the nice customer service guy just how much toilet paper did I order? I thought it might be a computer generated error, during this time of mayhem, & had visions of cartons of toilet paper arriving non-stop, lol. 🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻

To make a long story less long...customer service looked up the order number & informed me this was A GIFT sent to us by someone! I was floored. Have no clue who sent it...called around to one admits to sending :))

We did wonder why there was no Walmart’s charge on our credit card bill, and now we know why. ❤️

Grateful to whomever did this for us & if any of our kind neighbors run out of toilet paper 🧻 we will share our bounty.

🧻Picture is the carton that arrived today
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Too funny twinnie!!! I can see you setting up a free for those in need of TP street stand :))). 🧻 👍!!!!!
Mistermindy wrote: looks like you are GOOD TO GO !!!!!!!!
Mistermindy wrote: Instead of sending folks karma bucks, send them a roll of toilet paper.
pluto178 wrote: Your why our supermarkets are empty.........laughed when I saw a funfair snatch and grab machine full of toilet rolls. Lol....nice thought though secret admirer? Let him know diamonds are a girls best friends even in these times lol x
gardengal10 wrote: Who would have guessed that this would be the kind of gift that anyone would want in these times?
Brindlegirl wrote: This is beyond beautiful. Oh how it warms my heart and Spirit 💗
OlivierChhu wrote: God bless toilet paper !! 🧻🙏

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