Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Do What You Can

--by MadAbbott, posted Apr 16, 2020
I passed around a note to all of my elderly neighbors with my phone number just in case they needed anything. One asked for soap and I was able to fulfill that need.

I offered our houseboat to a friend with a young child who is recovering from a heart transplant last year (very low immunity) and to another friend who has been furloughed and has a young family whose wife serves on the front-line as a nurse.

Sometimes all that I can do is offer a kind word here, a friendly post there, or maybe run an errand. Just doing what I can to serve others. Keep spreading the love wonderful KindSpringers.
632 Reads

Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: Your attitude of kindness is eye catching. Your compassionate heart is doing wonderful jobs. May others get inspired.
Mish wrote: All so lovingly wonderful, MadAbbott! Many blessings abounding.
patjos wrote: :)
scully wrote: Great job spreading the kindness
Helenconnell2 wrote: Great ways to help x
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for putting your whole HEART ❤️ into action, my friend.

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