Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Hidden gems rediscovered

--by Novice50, posted Apr 18, 2020
There are probably many others like myself, wondering how to continue to practice and spread kindness and compassion in this extraordinary time. Many of us are confined to home, with limited ability to physically be with others. I applaud and support all who are making the effort to help curtail this pandemic by staying home and by practicing physical distancing from each other. We will get through this and any kindnesses we share will continue to ripple in the world.

With that in mind here are some loving kindness practices we can do every day.

Stay connected with friends and family. Use whatever technology you can to reach out. Face time people, make a real phone call, smile at your neighbors, extend your love in appropriately distanced activities.

If you can go outside, do it. When walking through your neighborhood, take time to notice the beauty of this world. As I walked this morning, there were so many things to notice and appreciate - things that were always there, but sometimes hidden from my awareness by my distracted mind. Today, I slowed down and noticed.

I sent intentions of loving kindness and health to every home I passed and every car I saw. I thanked the postal worker, sanitation worker and others I saw who are still on the job, helping us continue to live in community together.

We will make it through this and can come out more compassionate and loving people. Each one of us matters and is an important connection in this chain. Blessings to all of you and yours.
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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: Thank God that, out of many ways of kindness in this hard time of pandemic, we can still perform some. Your encouragement to do kind acts is greatly appreciated.
mindyjourney wrote: So many ways to be kind, my friend :). Thank you for adding your good vibes ❤️ 🌎 🕊! Each one of us is so needed and essential :))). Lovely blooms, btw :)))
patjos wrote: So wonderful. The loving kindness all around is almost palpable. heartbreaking but so wonderful to be a part of too. thank you ;)
patjos wrote: Go and read from the Daily Good website there are some great grounding stories there for these times. There ar eSO many like us, living the Love in each and every moment :)
Mish wrote: Shining light always ❤️
petroskryf wrote: Thank you for sharing this! We still have each other, no matter what. 🦋🌻
pluto178 wrote: Absolutely well done.....and what beautiful flowers. X
OlivierChhu wrote: This "slow down" is an opportunity to rediscover the apparent gems, that were hidden by our busy and too fuzzy days. :)

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