Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Social Distancing

--by patjos, posted Mar 22, 2020
Been practicing keeping our distance as we should, to the best of our ability today. Back to work tomorrow, been home working. Seems I may be deployed to help out with refuse collection or one of the other more necessary services. :) We are sooo surrounded by the reality of the Light of Love, aren't we?

Quite unbelievable days, yesterday I heard the usual talk show hosts on the radio speaking about how there is such a rise in kindness and how this needs to continue afterwards. That was a VERY unusual thing to hear on the radio! :)))

Everyone knows that we have to wake up collectively - and it's happening! Keeping you all in Love today as we do some heavy duty gardening! :)
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Amazing times for sure, dear patrick! Thank you for doing what you are called to do ❤️. Kindness on the rise — woo-hoo! :))). We are indeed waking up 🌈 🌍 🕊!
Helenconnell2 wrote: Yes i hope it continues too x
npeden wrote: Beautifully shared. Thank you.
gardengal10 wrote: Peace, Patrick.
mish wrote: Will hold you in extra Light, Patrick :))
Rajni wrote: Doing our duty with love and at our best is humanity. If everybody follow this, we can bring Heaven on earth. That days are not too far.

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