Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Japanese Tea Served With Love

--by DANCE, posted Apr 24, 2020
The lovely Japanese students were staying at home (not able to travel back) and offered to prepare tea for us to thank us for our kindness during these difficult times. We are so grateful for it, we had a lovely afternoon. Our minds were off the challenges and on love and kindness.

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Readers Comments

Helenconnell2 wrote: I remember the table well and sounds a great way to forget the difficulties. x
janfour wrote: lovely table
rajni wrote: Even table look very kind too.
pluto178 wrote: How wonderful you are to have continued to have people in your home through these difficult times......thats amazing on the kindness scale. X
patjos wrote: Very lovely spread :)
mish wrote: Feel same as Pluto, Dance ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: oh my! So you have companions during this challenging time 💕. Thank you soooo much for giving them a safe hOMe to be, my friend!!!! Lovely tea prepared by them too :)))

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