Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Warm thank you to our principal

--by lewski711, posted May 14, 2020
The teachers I know didn't expect how hard this remote teaching would be. There are so many issues that arise: families not responding, students who can't get on new platforms, new platforms not doing what they are supposed to do. The list goes on.

But that's just from the teacher's point of view. Principals have to hear the teachers' issues, they have to deal with parents calling trying to get their kid in the virtual classroom, getting directives daily from the district, finding devices for everyone, and much more.

Our principal was incredible BEFORE the world turned upside down. Now, she's handling it all, helping teachers, parents, and students, while dealing with what the district is implementing. There are sleepless nights and incredible stress.

I organized a little drive today from the staff. We were all on campus today to drive through the local neighborhood with signs on our cars, honking our horns and waving at our students in their yards and on their porches. I asked the staff to bring items for our principal: toilet paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer, latex gloves, masks, disinfectant wipes, and hand sanitizer. Others brought wine and chocolate.

We couldn't take all her responsibilities off her back, but we could show her that we love and appreciate her.
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Readers Comments

michelelpurce wrote: wonderful way to show you care. and she is not alone. :)
patjos wrote: Thank you. Wonderful APRIL!
LoveyDovey wrote: So kind and thoughtful!
mindyjourney wrote: Wonderful expression of appreciation! :)))))) Esp the wine and chocolate 😊.
OlivierChhu wrote: Really nice way to thank your Principal ! We are ONE team :)
Rajni wrote: Appreciation ran in the right direction to get the stuff for the principal, it couldn't have been better in this time of social distancing. Compassionate hearts did very good jobs. Thanks for sharing.
Neensy wrote: Gratitude is such a wonderful thing. I am sure she felt the love

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