Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Care Package

--by brindlegirl, posted May 18, 2020
I put together a little "care package" for an isolated women I recently met online. I have been gathering items this week just for her.

She loves to colour, so I purchased an inspiring "your day is happy" colouring book, filled with lots of joy and quotes, along with colouring pencils.

A block of chocolate because chocolate makes everything better:).

I added a book that I recently finished reading...I know she'll enjoy it.

My boys and I drove to her home today and delivered the wrapped gift and placed by her mail box.

Looking forward to when she receives it 💗📬
707 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: This is really so beautiful...and to do this with your boys makes it even more special. Bless, bless, bless 💕💕💕
mindyjourney wrote: I’m sure she will be thrilled! Thank you :)))
michelelpurce wrote: she will have a wonderful surprise! :) thanks for lifting her up. :)
Rajni wrote: You did a wonderful job of selecting helpful articles and delivering them. Isolated people, feel lonely. Your care pack will definite lift her spirit and make her happy as well.

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