Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing Our Gifts

--by Mish, posted May 21, 2020
On our block,  I reminded my neighbors to let me know if they need any toilet paper. I still have a good supply from the anonymous giver.

Soup lady left her frequent care package on our porch. This time she added homemade chocolate chip cookies to her soup share. 

I told her (and others on the block) that she can always text me if she needs me to add anything for her to our weekly online grocery orders.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: putting together a TP care pkg for sister’s bday — want to donate to the cause? :))). A continuing caring neighborhood ❤️
DANCE wrote: Thank u for being there for others
lya348 wrote: It sounds like you have a terrific system going on.
dotmatrix wrote: I want those earrings. ♥.
michelelpurce wrote: dotmatrix we can work on that for you! :) they are pretty cool earrings. :)
michelelpurce wrote: Mish you live and of course are the center of such a kind neighborhood! :)
drjoybug wrote: You have wonderful neighbors
cabbage wrote: I love it! We are all making our neighborhoods kinder :-) bravo!

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