Stories of Kindness from Around the World

How Will You Fill Your Flower Vase?

--by Jacinda, posted Mar 6, 2010

Last night after reading some inspirational posts on HelpOthers I decided it was getting a little late so I decided to go to bed. As I was lying there I was thinking about the stories I had just read. For some reason my mind flashed back to my first day at College (High School). The head girl was standing up on the stage giving us a speech about your life and your life journey being a vase full of flowers. Now that may seem a strange context but that speech has stayed with me for many years.

I would like to share it with you all!  It went something along the lines of… Imagine a big vase of flowers being your life. Each person has a vase of flowers but it is their opportunity to fill it in the way they decide. You could fill your vase with a few flowers or fill it with many beautiful flowers of all shapes, colours, textures and sizes. It’s entirely up to you.


You could be one of those people who go to school, then get a job and everyday is the same – work, home, work, home  OR…you could be someone you goes out, gets a job, goes to University but lives everyday to the fullest, someone who wants to make a difference in the world, someone who helps others at every opportunity and goes out to meet people of all kinds, many cultures, different backgrounds. Everyday is a gift.


Back then, in the hall, I thought I wanted to make the most out of my life! I want to fill my vase with lots of flowers! I want to live a life helping others, live a life of smiles and kindness. I’m telling you I’m not anywhere near perfect but I try my hardest to be the best I can! Our lives are our Journey! There maybe times when you are so low but then you do get back up again.


Our lives are full of twists and turns.  “Life is like a bowl full of spaghetti with many twists and turns but sometimes you may come across a meatball.”  Now there have been times in my life when my family and I have come across a meatball such as when my Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer with 8 tumors at only 44 years of age when I was 11. But we got through it as a family. In actual fact it has made us stronger, it has made us closer. I love my family so much!


I’m so thankful I stumbled across this HelpOthers site. Your posts inspire me each and everyday. Since last October when I joined, although it seems as if I have been joined to this site for a lifetime, each day when I get up in the morning I think, “How will I help others today? How will I make a difference in someone else’s life this day?”


Although I am only 18 years old and at the beginning of my Journey through life, I am continually inspired by each and everyone of you! Thank you so very much, everyone of you is special! Remember that!


Hope you all have a wonderful day! 

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Readers Comments

liztree wrote: Jacinda - I send you much love!
kittykat wrote: What a beautiful story from such a young girl whose been thru so much. I will remember your story for a long time. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the karma bucks. I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Aurelia wrote: Thanks for sharing and caring. I agree with everything you said. You are an inspiration to so many of us. :) God Bless you and may you always find your smile here and in this big beautiful world we live in.
~Smiles are Contagious :0) ~Aurelia
Bluebell wrote: You are very special, no doubt. If my daughter who is 8 now becomes such a beautiful woman with such a big heart, I will the be happiest mum on the universe. She has the seeds of kindness in her and my wish is that they florish like yours. Though you say you are only 18 you have the wisdom of an old soul ( this is a compliment :-) ) and we are lucky to have you around and see you bloom. Love and Light, Bluebell
unknown wrote: Jaz, I am hugging you with a lot of love ... You remind me of something jazzy ... something that lingers ... fresh n fragrant ... my dear girl, I pray Deepak chopra's truth of receding cancers to be true to your mother. My mother had her cataract operation when she was 44 ... before these lasers came into being. She then lost her sight partially and became literally parkinsonian with the drugs for asthma. I know her value girl. God bless you my dear doll, you are doing already what you can, lovingly, a friend, deepula.
flowergirl wrote: what a lovely post ,i imagine you as a vase of happy sunflowers - giving hope and happiness whenever you can ,love and peace flowergirl
Jacinda wrote: Thank you Liztree, Kittykat, Aurelia, Bluebell, Deepula and Flowergirl so much for your kind and sweet comments :) Love and Smiles, Jacinda :)
FairyBubbles wrote: Jacinda, that is simply beautiful - I hope you have the most wonderful journey.
irishgirl wrote: 18? Never would have guessed it from your words. It's an act of kindness in itself to offer insight and wisdom to others. So cheers to you in doing so, and in turn, filling not only your own vase but everyone's you come across. Have a lovely weekend.
Candy Marie wrote: What a beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing. You brought a smile to my face.

And how appropriate that just today i was at the market trying to choose the most beautiful, fragrant flower arrangement for my husband for our seventh month-iversary!

I chose the biggest, pinkest blooms i could find, the fullest most fragrant blossoms that symbolized the sweet days that we have shared and sweeter future that lingers just ahead of us.

I wish you the most beautiful arrangement of experiences, the most fragrant of life experiences to come!

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