Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing More Appreciation

--by Mish, posted Jun 6, 2020
Yesterday I felt moved to express our gratefulness to the company that provides us with online home delivery of all our groceries. I wanted to let them know how awesome they all are. From the heart.  It is because of them, that we don’t have to go out during this pandemic to grocery shop.

This morning we heard back from them. It put a big smile on my face. 

Their reply: “Hello Mish, I would like to thank you for taking the time to email us and express your gratitude—this is what makes it all worthwhile! I have forwarded your message to our management team so they can pass on your note.
We look forward to continuing to serve you! Sincerely,Matt ,Your FreshDirect Customer Solutions Agent”

I had sent them this yesterday: “Grateful for you guys & gals. You are all doing a great job & helping so many during this time of challenge.
Bless you all. We love Fresh Direct!Be Well,Stay Safe, Mish”

Have been doing a lot of this lately & get some really sweet replies back too

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: These challenging times encourage us not to hold back on expressing our gratitude! How wonderful for you to do and for them to share :)))
DANCE wrote: What kind messages! Thank you for appreciating their work
NiceKind wrote: You are appreciated! You will always be appreciated
dotmatrix wrote: I do this too for our delivery people. They always ask "How'd we do" with the bill and I tell them they are awesome etc. It really is rare so they say. Nice of you. ♥.
balou wrote: So wonderful that you contacted them! Too many people still take what they do for granted and don't appreciate it. I'm sure you put a smile on their faces, Mis - as you did on ours (or at least mine) with your post
Royalblue wrote: . . You. This image today, thank you!

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