Readers Comments
Jacinda wrote: Aurelia I love your post!! Thanks heaps for sharing! Yes kindness begins with us and comes from the heart :) We had a similar story happen to us on the weekend - have a look at my post I'm about to put up. Have a wonderful day! Love and smiles, Jacinda
peanut wrote: Yes it does start with us,when we give we receive.God Bless
warmth wrote: U always give good messages through you real life stories and i must say u have a great sense of positive understanding, thank u for being the good one. God Bles u :)
unknown wrote: This connection makes all the difference Auree ... Infact, it all begins with me and ends with you ... We must learn the art of giving :) then things seem so different ... Auree's aura attracts grace everywhere I see
;) lovingly, deepula :)
;) lovingly, deepula :)
iferlamb wrote: that is very nice. Thank you. smiles...
merv wrote: ~smile~ Why would you "mind your own business" when you have such a great opportunity to meet a new friend? Sure, get that gas cap!!!!!!!
Peace wrote: Yes, kindness does start with me. Passes through you. And ends with us. Let's keep it going for it matters alot, cuz u don't know where ur help might come from! God bless us all
jeffete wrote: Salve pra surupita
bill wrote: Spirit
John Doe wrote: Why would take the time to be rude to others when being kind is just the same amount of time