Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Where Does Kindness Start? With Us...

--by Aurelia, posted Mar 5, 2010

Recently at the gas station...I was walking in to Pre-Pay before being able to pump gas into my car. As I approached the door to go in to pay, there was a woman coming out.   I was about 15 feet away and she stood there, waiting and holding the door for me to enter. Usually people are in such a hurry that they dash out and sometimes even to the point of being rude and mowing me down.  I smiled and said "Thank You, you didn't have to do that"  and her reply was "No problem, take your time."

Next we are both at our vehicles filling gas and she finished first. She hopped in her van and was getting ready to leave. I noticed her gas compartment was still open and the cap was dangling down.  I quickly scooted to her van and tapped  on it as she was starting to pull away.   She stopped and rolled down her window for me to tell her what happened.  Now she was thanking me for being kind. We both were winners in the Kindness Game.

Would I have worried about her gas cap if she hadn't been nice to me first? Would I have been  feeling I should mind my own business when it  involved a stranger. By her being nice to me and holding the door, I felt a connection to her.  So...where does Kindness Start??  It starts with You, Me... it starts with Us.  Wouldn't it be great if we all felt connected in some way.  United like a big family looking out for one another.

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Readers Comments

Jacinda wrote: Aurelia I love your post!! Thanks heaps for sharing! Yes kindness begins with us and comes from the heart :) We had a similar story happen to us on the weekend - have a look at my post I'm about to put up. Have a wonderful day! Love and smiles, Jacinda
peanut wrote: Yes it does start with us,when we give we receive.God Bless
warmth wrote: U always give good messages through you real life stories and i must say u have a great sense of positive understanding, thank u for being the good one. God Bles u :)
unknown wrote: This connection makes all the difference Auree ... Infact, it all begins with me and ends with you ... We must learn the art of giving :) then things seem so different ... Auree's aura attracts grace everywhere I see
;) lovingly, deepula :)
iferlamb wrote: that is very nice. Thank you. smiles...
merv wrote: ~smile~ Why would you "mind your own business" when you have such a great opportunity to meet a new friend? Sure, get that gas cap!!!!!!!

Peace wrote: Yes, kindness does start with me. Passes through you. And ends with us. Let's keep it going for it matters alot, cuz u don't know where ur help might come from! God bless us all
jeffete wrote: Salve pra surupita
bill wrote: Spirit
John Doe wrote: Why would take the time to be rude to others when being kind is just the same amount of time

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