Readers Comments
innerjourney wrote: Thats it Jacinda...little things like what you did is enough to heal this world. Thank you! Love and Prayers, Manish:)
Aurelia wrote: Super Jacinda :0) I'm glad it all worked out at the petrol station.
Keep smiling and inspiring's working :0) :0) :0) see the smiles are contagious! ~Aurelia
Keep smiling and inspiring's working :0) :0) :0) see the smiles are contagious! ~Aurelia
warmth wrote: nice one Jacinda. Keep spreading the smiles. God Bless u :)
Jacinda wrote: Thanks Manish, Aurelia, Warmth and Deepula for all your kind comments :) Hope you all have a wonderful day, Love and Smiles, Jacinda
james wrote: Dear,
I think you will never believe that the article has been chosen as a text for my daughter,an 15 years old student,to learn english. Of course,kindness and love are universal. Only a grammer question,i have to ask you: we got to the station, another car was just leaving after filling up from the same pump that we were at. Better:we had been at. ? Thank u.
I think you will never believe that the article has been chosen as a text for my daughter,an 15 years old student,to learn english. Of course,kindness and love are universal. Only a grammer question,i have to ask you: we got to the station, another car was just leaving after filling up from the same pump that we were at. Better:we had been at. ? Thank u.