Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Smile Card Adventures on the Road... in New Zealand!

--by Jacinda, posted Mar 12, 2010

Last weekend, my sisters, Rebecca and Louisa, and I sing as "The Short Sistars."  We had gone to Hamilton, which is about one and a half hours from my home, for vocal coaching and to record a couple of songs at our cousin's recording studio. On our way Dad stopped at the petrol station and, as all petrol stations are pre-paid now, he went in and paid for our tank of petrol. He took the petrol cap off, we all got distracted and drove off.

Ten minutes down the road Dad realized he didn't fill up the entire tank and the petrol cap was probably on the roof of the car when we drove off. So, we needed petrol and had to drive back.  When we got to the station, another car was just leaving after filling up from the same pump that we were at. We thought maybe we would have to pay again.

Dad went inside and spoke to the guy behind the counter. He said he wondered who drove off without filling up and saved our petrol for us. So we filled up our petrol and Dad thankfully found our petrol cap a few metres away.  Louisa and I went inside the petrol station and gave the man behind the counter a Smile Card and thanked him so much for saving our petrol for us.

AFter leaving the petrol station, we stopped off somewhere in Cambridge a little while later and a lady was sitting outside by her car looking quite loney. We both decided to go give her a Smile Card. A big smile appeared on her face and she thanked us. That seemed to make her day!

Last night I bought lots more chocolate to stock up for when I give smile cards out to them.  I love making peoples day and see the smile appear on their faces. I love seeing people happy! 

Here's a big SMILE from me to you all the way from New Zealand :) Thank you all for inspiring me each and everyday! Your stories are my inspiration!!

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Readers Comments

innerjourney wrote: Thats it Jacinda...little things like what you did is enough to heal this world. Thank you! Love and Prayers, Manish:)
Aurelia wrote: Super Jacinda :0) I'm glad it all worked out at the petrol station.
Keep smiling and inspiring's working :0) :0) :0) see the smiles are contagious! ~Aurelia
warmth wrote: nice one Jacinda. Keep spreading the smiles. God Bless u :)
unknown wrote: keep being yourself lovely Jaz ...
I am your fan :)
lovingly, deepula :)
Jacinda wrote: Thanks Manish, Aurelia, Warmth and Deepula for all your kind comments :) Hope you all have a wonderful day, Love and Smiles, Jacinda
james wrote: Dear,
I think you will never believe that the article has been chosen as a text for my daughter,an 15 years old student,to learn english. Of course,kindness and love are universal. Only a grammer question,i have to ask you: we got to the station, another car was just leaving after filling up from the same pump that we were at. Better:we had been at. ? Thank u.

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