Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Labor of Love: Spreading Love, Kindness and Good Wishes

--by pratiksha77, posted Jul 19, 2020
Last week, my 8 years old daughter was listening to Nimo's Empty Hands songs and she said, "how about we create heart-shaped cards with beautiful messages and hang them on everyone's mailboxes around the community?" Her brothers (8 years old and 5 years old) also got super excited about the idea and their project was kicked off.

Every day they created a few cards - they cut the cards into the shape of hearts, wrote kind messages and silent wishes, and then decorated them. They wrote messages like, " You're Loved, You're Kind, We wish all the happiness love and peace, We are all Together, Thank you for being You, Thank you for your kindness and generosity, Kindness over Everything, Love over Fear, Gratitude over suffering, Peace over Anger, Happiness is a choice" and many more. Within a week, they had around 50+ cards ready to be delivered.

Every afternoon, the kids were super excited to work on their project for a few hours. One day while we were working on the cards, my daughter put it very simply and beautifully, "it makes me very happy and energetic when I do this," she said.

Finally, on Friday, July 10th, kids went around the community on their bicycles and hung the hearts on everyone's mailboxes around the community. Their excitement and kindness was just so heart warming. They didn't know how people were going to react but they were just super happy doing it. We finished delivering cards by late evening.

As fate would have it, later that night it rained. But kids are so precious, they felt a little sad but they recovered quickly saying that we did our best and we had so much fun. And they said we can do it again. Beautiful souls with so much love in them.
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Readers Comments

TheBigShelb wrote: Awesome! So sweet - especially that they were so excited about it!
Mish wrote: This is so sweet and beautiful. You are a true kindness family. Bless you all. 💕💕💕
Mish wrote: Welcome to KindSpring.....all of you. ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: That is just beautiful!! 💕 How lovely to share the loving kindness :))).
kmbhai wrote: Very lovely.✨✨✨
butterkind wrote: Soo sweet!
Rajni wrote: Sowing the seeds of kindness in kids will grow into big tree in future. Your inspiration did wonderful job with enthusiasm of kids. Thanks for sharing.

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