Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Goodness Shows Up!

--by cyctw, posted Jul 21, 2020
I went to our local farmer's market this morning to pick up some fresh fruits and veggies. As I was thinking about what to get, a lady was making her own purchase. She was asked for another 80 cents, though. As she was searching through her purse, I offered her a dollar to cover the cost. The lady declined and found the money herself.

As the worker rang me up, she threw in some extra veggies saying, "that was so nice of you to offer your own money for her."
I've found that to be happening more and more often. I try to do a RAOK for a stranger and it bounces back to me :). Life is a blessing indeed.

702 Reads

Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: Isn’t it lovely when this happens x
Mish wrote: Like attracts like 🧲
unknown wrote: What a lovely post!!! Great!!!
mindyjourney wrote: We call that a “kindness boomerang!” :))))).
michelelpurce wrote: life surely is a blessing! :)
Rajni wrote:
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. -aesop you just proved it one more time. Thanks for sharing.

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