Readers Comments
iferlamb wrote: That is an AWESOME story! Thank you for sharing it. She 1/2 understood and that's 1/2 way farther toward understanding the concept of "pay it forward" than she was on that early Sunday morining. Good job! smiles...
EnglishRose wrote: It goes to show that being observant can lead to great opportunities to be kind. So often we walk around in our own little worlds that we bypass the others that are around us. Keeping your eyes and hearts peeled for places to sow a smile is the best thing, great story :D xxx
Aurelia wrote: I agree with EnglishRose...we must keep our eyes peeled for places to sow a smile!!! :)
Thanks for caring for a stranger and making a difference.
Thanks for caring for a stranger and making a difference.
JuneBug wrote: Incredible post !!!You just reminded me that I need to get some more Smilecards !!! Have a FANTASTIC day !!! :)
unknown wrote: Clemdubois, you helped her to find her smile back ... That is the start ! The rest of it seem to be a beautiful fairy tale spun by both of you ladies !
Just love it, lovingly, deepula :)
Just love it, lovingly, deepula :)
Jacinda wrote: Wow what a FANTASTIC story!!! I loved it so much :) Thank you so very very very much for sharing! Here's a big smile from me....all the way from New Zealand! Hope you have a lovely day! Lots of love and smiles, Jacinda
cabbage wrote: Yay! Beautiful story :-) Big hugs to you.
sheinicke wrote: You are such a wonderful person I really wish magical things like this happened to you every day, aside from you being you because that's magical too. Thank you for being the pirate to my ninja.
smileamile wrote: Brilliant! I love it. That was so good of you to make her day and she in turn made yours! :-) smileamile
momov3 wrote: Great story. It always takes a first to turn someone into a "giver"! You've sown the seed and now- who knows? ! I totally agree with the posters above who wrote we need to be aware- really, there are so many people who need just a little something to change their day- all we need to do is see them and then act. Hold a door, tell them something you honestly believe like- that color looks nice on you, let them go ahead of you in line, let them out in traffic. It doesn't take a big act to change someones day. And, i always get a kick out of the puzzled expressions of "you want to let me go ahead of you? " . It makes 2 peoples days- mine and theirs. Give on my friends, give on!