Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Garland Of Peace Doves, Stars And Hearts

--by SissyLee, posted Aug 8, 2020
Yesterday I went to the bakery that has always hung all the origami I left in the tip jar. They also enjoy the Kndspring cards I leave. When Covid 19 hit, the bakery was stripped down and I saw all the origami had left, which was fine. I would expect such things to end up gone.

Well, yesterday I go in and all of it was back and up! It was strung along one long line of string over a candle display! Peace doves, stars, hearts and more made it back. I am so tickled. One of these days I will remember my camera.

And the barista was super shorthanded -- she was the only one there and slammed. I made sure to leave her a good tip and a "You Matter" card.
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Readers Comments

Christine88 wrote: That's nice
Nugget wrote: So thoughtful and kind!
linda wrote: What a pleasant surprise! I bet they were hoping you would come in and see the revived kindwork.
gardengal10 wrote: You spread kindness and peace(doves) :))
Mish wrote: Support like that so needed & appreciated. Well done, Sissy 👍
mindyjourney wrote: Yay for the return of the doves and quote cards! Now, more than ever we need the encouragement of each other 😊
michelelpurce wrote: encouraging others is so important to spread kindness. :)
balou wrote: What a beautiful story! Nice to see your kindness is well received!
DANCE wrote: Thank you for spreading the kindness

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