Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Welcoming Neighbors

--by petroskryf, posted Aug 20, 2020
Since we moved to our new home a week ago (we rented one for more than 7 years, and it was time to buy our own house...our last address as we call it) I have been busy unpacking boxes the last few days.

It’s exhausting, but also rewarding to stand back and see how a new home opens her arms to you. How everything eventually finds a place to “live,” a corner to exist in. We also experienced kindness from some neighbors in our complex.

I was overwhelmed by a bunch of flowers and a lovely plant for the house that some of the people gifted us. And then there was the plate of muffins appearing on our doorstep. People are so thoughtful!

Most ordinary people care about others. Most ordinary people are kind. 
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Congratulations on your move to new home 🏡! Grateful your neighbors welcomed you wish such kindness ❤️. Much love and blessings, my friend, to you and your husband :)
Nugget wrote: It is so nice to hear about this friendly community!
semouterbridge wrote: What a beautiful post about kindness. So many seemingly small acts performed which transformed your neighborhood into a loving and caring place to be.
linda riebel wrote: What a lovely welcome. Thanks for sharing
Mish wrote: So agree, Petro. Glad you are settling in & surrounded by kind, caring neighbors. ❤️
adrianeden1 wrote: This is so true...good luck in your new's always an exciting time !
rajni wrote: Congratulations!
May sunshine and happiness always flow into your New Home.

May your home always be too small to hold all of your friends.

May happiness knock early at your door, stay late, and leave the gift of good fortune.

Wishing you all the best in your new home.

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