Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A One Of A Kind Pizza

--by Butterkind, posted Sep 6, 2020
I received this homemade delicious pizza for our family dinner by a senior couple. I had gone to give some groceries and they handed me this pizza with veggie toppings.

I am touched by their act and I hope to pay it forward in a similar way so that our joy be shared!

691 Reads

Readers Comments

lindariebel wrote: Hurray, vegetables! So much healthier than processed meats like peperoni and sausage.
kmbhai wrote: Delicious and beautiful..
Helenconnell2 wrote: Looks delicious x
mindyjourney wrote: Love that circle of giving! And so delicious too 🍕. Thank you for being such a kindness force, my friend :)
Nugget wrote: We just never know where kindness can lead! This time to your stomach? LOL Nice on everyone's part!

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