Readers Comments
Khokha wrote: Thank you for sharing this story! People are who they are. But you were both by his side in case something might happen to him. Bless you both and this man too. It was not a coincidence!
michelelpurce wrote: what wonderfully kind people you 2 are. i am with you and can't imagine how many people walked by without even stopping. and we really need to share these good stories of people like you and your partner. it gives people faith that we are still out there. :)
Nugget wrote: Bless you for caring and acting!
DANCE wrote: How very kind of you, thank you for caring and taking the time!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for taking the time to find out what was needed and follow your 💕. We are indeed all walking each other hOMe...and it matters grately how mindfully and kindfully we step 😊.
cabbage wrote: Thank you for walking him home as much as he would allow, and for being angels in his path :-) i trust the universe took him the rest of the way. Bless you all. :-)
lindariebel wrote: You two are angels!
Rajni wrote: You did a wonderful job. You did not walk by side you walked in the heart of that fallen man.
Diane J Klish wrote: Thank you both for being his guardian angels. May god be with john and you both.
Meigs wrote: Kindness and patience when needed -along with trust. Thank-yu for the reminder