Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: Grateful the man allowed you an opportunity for kindness :)))). Big hugs and fist bumps :))
petroskryf wrote: You did a great, kind thing. I am sure that man will always remember your encounter.
Khokha wrote: Something good for both of you
scully wrote: Awesome to help out another
Rajni wrote: Your attitude of gratitude gave you kindness opportunity. Thanks for showing us nicer way to keep dignity of others and help with politeness.
DANCE wrote: Thank you for caring
pluto178 wrote: Lol I did laugh at this...........give me or else......I hope I see you in my queue real soon lol x
yashesh worah wrote: Just understood, a good deed is actually more good for the doer,observe that after the act that hallo of happiness and smile lasts longer then the tasty food you eat or luxury you enjoyed