Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Looking Out for a Friend

--by AndiCas, posted Sep 18, 2020
A friend is trying to buy a house, but many places locally are sold still through word of mouth rather than by agents. We heard wind of a place in a village local to us so my partner rang about it on her behalf.

Someone in the village had the keys so it was then a mission to try and find this mysterious person. Last night we finally tracked him down and as he had time he showed it to us on the spot. I'm glad he did as were able to discover it was unsuitable for friend, but such kindness!

Partner put so much effort into checking this out for her, and lovely old chap opened up his bar and bought us a drink after we looked at it.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Beautiful caring & kindness, Andi 👍❤️
mindyjourney wrote: Grateful for the support of our partners! I’m sure the right property will be found :)
scully wrote: Awesome Andicas, thanks for reaching out like you did
Rajni wrote: Good intention, good work. Result, not in our hand, karma pays its part. You did a good job.
patjos wrote: Lovely story AndiCas :)))

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