Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Supporting In Challenging Times

--by cabbage, posted Sep 30, 2020
Wrote a note of appreciation and concern to a local small business owner, and had no idea how it would impact them---the email back from them said "Nicest message I've made me cry...thank you for the shot of goodness and adrenaline and for making my day." Well, that made my day too!!

Wrote two (hand written) letters to friends letting them know how much they mean to me.

Worked very hard on preparing a virtual music program and sent kudos to our team members and our lead--this is quite a monumental effort and what I realized today is that many people are looking forward to watching it and it will bring them much joy during the festival of Navaratri coming up. Feel very happy to be part of this.

Trying to spread love through our garden's harvest---have given away tomatoes, lemons, figs, zucchini, arugula, basil to many folks in the neighborhood. Baked brownies tonight to give to neighbors--we are all working to write postcards to get out the vote....together we have written hundreds of them by now!

Reassured students who are having difficulties due to various reasons (displacement due to wildfires, mental health, surgery, assault) that I am here for them and they will not have to worry about missing assignments/classes--I am working with them 1:1 to ensure their successful completion of class. 

Encouraging and supporting students applying to health professional schools (medical school, pharmacy, nursing...) with letters of rec, encouraging emails, etc.

It has been a challenging week in our family (death of a loved one far away, another loved one going through cancer, the fires/smoke and losses everywhere) so trying to put out as much positivity and peace out there as possible :-) Giving and receiving love in so many ways from the universe. Every evening write my gratitude in a journal before going to sleep.
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Readers Comments

Khokha wrote: Aw cabbage, such goodness! Thank you!
Rajni wrote: You are teaching us many ways to be kind by your kind actions. Your compassionate heart is doing a very good job. Thanks for sharing.
Andicas wrote: Wow! What a list of wonderfulness Cabbage. Thank you for sharing with us, and thank you for all you're doing for your community and school community.
Mish wrote: You meet challenges with such beauty & grace, Cabbage.
LoveyDovey wrote: Beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your constant focus on being the change you want to see in the world, my friend. Each and every act is so important. 😊. Sending you much love, blessings and cool rainy relief.
bikekitty wrote: Love this! You're an inspiration. Thank you for sharing and i am sending virtual hugs - so sorry to hear about the death in your family. These are challenging times and you are creating so much positivity and love!
lindariebel wrote: You are helping to rebalance the world

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