Stories of Kindness from Around the World

This Is Norma. She ...

--by lewski711, posted Oct 14, 2020
This is Norma. She lives in my neighborhood. I see her walking every night with her new red walker. I tell her to slow down because she's going to get a ticket. She laughs at the idea.

Tonight I surprised her with a bike bell I ordered for her and the walker. I told her when slow-pokes are hogging the sidewalk, to just ring the bell and they'll move.

Again, she laughed. I asked if I could take a picture and share it. She told me I could as long as I could make her look sexy. I showed her the photo and she approved! 🙂
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Readers Comments

Christine88 wrote: That is cute
Mish wrote: So AWESOME, Lewski! 👍👍❤️😁
LoveyDovey wrote: That walker DOES look fast! Ferrari red! LOL
gardengal10 wrote: What a wonderful sense of humor!
mindyjourney wrote: same walker that my sister has! :))) Love her smile 😊
dotmatrix wrote: Norma is lucky to have such a great neighbor. Full of awesome! ♥.
Khokha wrote: That was a very useful gift, Lewski
DANCE wrote: How lovely, thank you!!!

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