Readers Comments
mish wrote: I know you made him very happy!! Bless you x
Love2Day wrote: so thoughtful of you, and I LOVE the picture, so cute :)
biskuvi wrote: You are so kind! :) Thank you for being such a nice person :)
melnotes wrote: Wonderful Kat :) Lovely gesture and great pic!
DotMatrix wrote: This is awesome!! Well done. =) ♥.
pluto178 wrote: I always remember a customer saying to a member of staff 'Civility costs nothing" it went right to the heart for me and I have operated on this premise ever many of the things that make a difference cost nothing in monetary terms but have a great deal of value x
wavingatyou wrote: Wonderful thing to do! Bless you <3
OliviaMyers wrote: So cute<3
DeePee wrote: I am sure after shoveling for your neighbor, you felt warmth within your heart.
cabbage wrote: Awwww--as someone with elderly parents who live far away, i am always so thankful that they have kind neighbors who help out with snow shoveling. So i thank you for doing this for him---and i'm sure his family would appreciate it too. I always think that everyone out there is somebody's mother, brother, father, sister. And we are all family.