Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Momemt Of Being

--by servingsmiles, posted Nov 1, 2020
Today morning was a usual Monday.

After getting kids ready I was walking my kids to school.
We actually were running to make it to school on time. In that hurry, I noticed an elderly man walking out with walker and he also had a long stick that helped him to pick up things on the ground. He was trying to get the news paper on the ground and was having some difficulty in balancing.

I noticed this while running with my kids. I actually went past him.
Then I heard a voice in me. I stopped. Went back and picked up the paper and handed it to him. He looked up with a smile and said "Isn't that nice? Thank you" I smiled and ran back.

I think many such small opportunities to be of service used to go past me in the past. Being in this community I am more open and recognize these opportunities to be of service.

Thank You all and much Gratitude for all of you who help foster this!

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Readers Comments

Fionna wrote: What a kind gesture. Sometimes, we are just so busy with what is happening in our life that we forget to be open to the lives of others. Bless you. For going back. And maybe giving this man some hope for goddness in people! Wishing you all things good.
OlivierChhu wrote: That's very inspiring - Thank you for having paused from your hurry, it was a great reflex and intention :)
wavingatyou wrote: Way to go! :)
KathyLove wrote: Being in the Flow...Wonderful!
pluto178 wrote: Listen to that voice x
mish wrote: Agree, KS does increase our kindness consciousness. Grateful
xenahugs wrote: Very nice. Thanks for helping him!!!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for following that inner voice of kindness. Blessings, friend.
melnotes wrote: Yes KS sure has turned my radars on and there are opportunities everywhere to put kindness into action :)

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